
Are You A Good Or Bad Friend? Play A Round Of Roblox Teamwork Puzzles 2 To Reveal!

When playing games with friends, do you:
Get frustrated when things don't go your way
Try to work together to come up with a solution
Blame others for your mistakes
Quit if you're not winning
When working on a group project, do you:
Try to take control and do everything yourself
Divide up the work evenly and communicate with your group
Ignore your group's ideas and do things your own way
Wait for others to tell you what to do
When a friend needs your help, do you:
Ignore them or make excuses
Drop everything to help them, no questions asked
Help them only if it's convenient for you
Tell them to handle it themselves
When you disagree with a friend, do you:
Yell and argue until you get your way
Listen to their point of view and try to come up with a compromise
Ignore them and stop talking to them
Give in to their demands to avoid conflict
How do your friends consider you?
When something goes wrong in a group setting, do you:
Blame others and refuse to take responsibility
Work with your group to find a solution
Quit and walk away from the situation
Get upset and angry, causing more problems