
Which Minion Are You In Despicable Me 4?

When faced with a problem, you:
Tackle it head-on with enthusiasm
A stealthy operation
Share it with your friends
Eat it immediately
Your favorite type of mission is:
Anything with gadgets and gizmos
A stealthy operation
A team effort
One that involves a nap afterwards
If you found a banana, you would:
Invent a new game with it
Trade it for something better
Share it with your friends
Eat it immediately
Your approach to fashion is:
Whatever is comfortable
The more accessories, the better
Matching with your best buddies
You don’t care much about fashion
In your group of friends, you are:
The leader.
The smart one.
The loyal sidekick.
The funny one.
What’s your reaction to a new gadget?
Can’t wait to take it apart and see how it works
Consider how it can help in your schemes
Wonder if your friends would like it
Hope it’s something to make life easier